Multi-Family Collection Tips & FAQs
Multi-Family FAQs
Click here for information related to our services and COVID-19 updates.
Property owners/managers need to contact us to start or stop service. A form is required in order to start/stop service.
The biggest difference you’ll notice is that you won’t have to push your cart to the curb! You’ll be sharing centrally-located bins with other residents. Click here for our multi-family service guide and downloadable copy.
Proper sorting makes a difference! Garbage goes in the gray, recyclables in the blue, and, organics (yard trimmings, food scraps and food-soiled paper) in the green.
Click here to see or download our Residential Service Guide.
Click here to review a comprehensive list of commonly disposed of items and where they go.
Distinction and Meaning of Each Color of the Waste Containers.
Click to see PDF:
Blue container, Green Container, Grey Container.
The three arrows symbol is not an automatic indication that an item can be recycled. The recycling symbol is unregulated, meaning that no authority controls who places the symbol on what product, be it recyclable or not.
For example, the plastics industry uses the chasing arrows symbol as an “in house” coding system to identify resin types, not recyclability.

It is important to follow the guidelines issued by the City of Livermore and Livermore Sanitation, not the labeling on the product. For service guides, posters, and a list of what goes where, click here.
The goal of zero waste is for everything that is manufactured to be recyclable. To accomplish this, a reliable end-buyer and use for the material is required. Product recyclability is dependent upon a demand and market for the material – for example, manufacturers buying products/materials back for the remanufacture of goods. The demand and available markets are what determine what can and cannot be accepted in recycling collection programs.
When an industry or manufacturer designs, produces, and sells a product without the recyclable material market in mind, it must use virgin materials to manufacture its products. Natural resources are used up and unrecyclable material (waste) is produced.
What can you do to help? Be mindful of your purchasing habits! Buy products that are made from or use recyclable materials. Do your best to reuse, repair, repurpose, and rethink what you have before you buy something new! Click here for more tips and ideas for buying smart.
Absolutely. Please contact us by phone or using our online form. We want you to understand how our invoicing works; and we want to correct any mistakes as quickly as possible.
Hazardous items cannot go in a Livermore Sanitation cart or bin. Please visit our Household Hazardous & E-Waste Program information page for information on proper disposal.
Please have your property manager or owner contact us to coordinate additional service.
Report it! Use the online form on the “Contact Us” page.
Visit www.stopjunkmail.org. To cut back on unsolicited catalogs, visit www.catalogchoice.org.
Post reusable boxes on www.freecycle.org.
Passing your things back into circulation helps other people AND keeps your landfill from overflowing. You can contact:
Or you can participate in our quarterly textile collection. Review our Residential Service Guide for more information.
Good for you. There’s too much need to throw away food. Visit the Alameda County Food Bank to pass on your bounty.
Review our Resource List for teachers and our Suggested Reading List
Yes! Visit the California Green Business Network.
Visit our Publications & Resources page or contact us.
Are you still uncertain about sizing, pricing, or other details? Contact one of our professionals to get more information regarding which option is the best for you.
The Placement of Your Trash Can Matters

The correct placement of your trash can will ensure the collection of your garbage, recyclables or yard waste.
Most collection trucks are armed with an automated electronic arm that grabs and empties the bin. This efficient process streamlines collection and prevents potential injuries.

Learn How to Keep the Recyclables Stream Clean.

Explore detailed guidelines on how to properly use your residential waste containers.